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Chinese translation for "absentee ballot"


Related Translations:
absentee:  n.1.不在者;缺席者,缺勤者。2.在外者,外住者;(不居于产权所在地的)不在地主。3.【电讯】空号。短语和例子an absentee without leave 擅自缺席[外出]者。n.-ism 1.不在外出地主的身分。2.旷工,旷课;缺勤。
absentee vote:  缺席投票〔因病等而通过邮寄投票〕。
absentee over leave:  【军事】超假不归。
ballot:  n.1.投票用纸,选票;投票用小球。2.无记名投票。3.投票;投票权。4.投票总数。5.抽签。6.候选人名单。7.〔美国〕决定总统候选人的选举。短语和例子take a secret ballot 举行无记名投票。 Vote by ballot 投票表决。 Elected by ballot投票选举。 Cast a single ballot 〔美国〕造成一致通过的现象。vi
australian ballot:  (上有全部候选人名单的)圈选选票。
secret ballot:  无记名投票。
second ballot:  决选投票。
open ballot:  无记名投票。
Example Sentences:
1.A number of absentee ballots , overseas ballots and provisional ballots still have to be counted , but they are not expected to affect the outcome
2.Unless citizens in u . s . territories have official residency domicile in a u . s . state or the district of columbia and vote by absentee ballot or travel to their state to vote , they cannot vote in the presidential election
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